What does the operators "Waiting room view" option mean?

If you are managing a large group with multiple clinics, this option can be useful for managing the entire groups chats.

The default settings for newly created groups is Group view, please contact support if you want to change your groups settings to Clinic view.

Clinic view

When this option is selected the operator's waiting room will contain chats ONLY for their clinic. 

e.g. Operator at clinic A cannot see client chats started in clinic B

Group view

When this option is selected the operator's waiting room will contain ALL chats within the entire group regardless of which clinic they are registered at.

e.g. Operator at clinic A can see client chats started in clinic B, clinic C, clinic D, etc.

Group default

This option means that neither view choices will be set on the profile and the queued chats displayed to the operator will be set by the group settings. The default value when a group is created is Group view. If you would like to change this setting for your entire group please get in touch with support.

When to use 

If your group has a centralised reception team you would want this team to see all of the chats that are coming into your PetsApp queue for your group. The rest of the operators within the group that are not on this team would only be shown chats within their own clinc. This enables the centralised team to handle incoming requests efficiently and only pass on to the specific clinic if required. To enable this set up you would need to create operators with the Group view option selected.